Will 'AAP' Get the Vote of Confidence?
As the Delhi Vice Governor said earlier that 'AAP' has to prove majority in Legislative Assembly on 3rd January. After the work was started by the AAP ; it is still doubtful that All the candidates of Congress will support the AAP or not? Here are some reasons for that and predictions if AAP will prove the Majority in Assembly.
All the 59 candidates of AAP were joined Assembly from 1st January and the new term of legislative assembly was started. With starting their works by AAP they completing their promises which were given to the people during the Election of Delhi. First on Monday they announced about the Water that they give 667 liters water free up to three months to all but if people use the water more than this they have to pay the bill for whole the water they had used. This announcement had main benefit is that people try to use minimum water and they will not waste the water.
On Wednesday AAP announced their second big promise that the Electricity bill in Delhi will decreases by 50%. And Arvind Kejriwal Ordered about the Audit of all three Electricity Company in Delhi By CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General of India ). Under the Audit all the account of Electricity company will check by CAG since 2002. Kejriwal also said that 'They have very much less time but though they ordered about the Audit to all three Electricity Company in Delhi and it will may effect to their Vote of Confidence also.' He also added that after audit Delhi had no requirement of Subsidy for Electricity.
Note: Also read Narendra Modi : Next Stop Delhi.
On 3rd January All 8 candidates will decided that AAP will be continue as Delhi Government or New Election will done. It is the chance of a big scandal by Electricity Companies in Delhi and if it will come in focus definitely the former MLAs Congress will also come under the corruption. So it is the big question that either all three electricity companies are corruption free or AAP will not prove the majority in assembly.
If AAP will prove the majority in assembly then how much they will successful to solve the problems of people, Corruption and how many promises will fulfill completely that all are in the hand of that eight MLAs. As AAP is a Party of common man it will only in favor in common people and give the priority to the problems of people first and also try to remove the corruption from government sector. If AAP will continue as Delhi government its next step will toward the Helpline in opposition to Corruption and Janlokpal Bill.
As we all know popularity of AAP is increases day by day and number of people joins the AAP. It will also affect to the the Vote of Confidence for AAP.
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